Monday, February 28, 2011

The one where Im in my own world of fashion

It's been long, and even though the world has moved on, I seem to be stuck in my own world of fashion.

Who knew the colours were going to pop so bright this summer. I seem to repel that craziness. However, it hasn't always been this way. I love how the fashion changes with season. This time, I wan't to dwell in the darkness of winter and avoid all colour.

Going crazy over studded things, bags, shoes, clothes!. Like always, the edginess has to be that pronounced for me!. Loving the deep blues, reds, blacks.

I'm also over watching all the heavy coats and knits in gossip girl!. Get over it all already, and really wished Blaires work wardrobe would be different from how it always was. I wish to see her in pant suits or skirts suits for that matter. Blair necessities!

After watching a video of my favorite youtube makeup/fashion guru lollipop26. I got inspired to focus on myself. I'm going to start making a list of things I really want for my wardrobe, so that I feel I'm not losing myself to motherhood. That way, when I do get a chance to step ou tof the house, or have enough cash to splurge I'm going to be right in there, getting what right!.

On the more positive note, I'm getting attracted to jewelry and good quality leather bags. I love my Esbeda bag, now Im going to focus on more structured bags that have a good handle to sling it on my forearm. Just want to get into the quality aspect of my life.

Colours for me, not now. Will have to hold that trend till later!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The one with the to-do list

Oh how I love to research, to read, read and know more. However, lately I've been feeling a little illeterate. It's when you get exposed to the world and other people and their knowledge that you realize, you're living in a bubble of ignorant youth. But now I've decided it's time to tap on the intelligent me. After months of sitting at home and just being plain uninspired, I'm glad to announce that I will be taking up the task of hardcore information development.

I can't wait to get my own lappy, it's convenient for my kinda lifestyle. But that's not stopping me from making the list of information conquering.

Ranging from politics to health, from documentaries to books, from history to current world, interesting to dull. I shall spare none. So here's to a more informed me.

Let the crusade begin.