Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The one where religion is manipulated

'I am a good human being, I am on my death bed,  I have been nothing but kind to people, and strived in the path of humanity. In my own little world, the people called me someone from the heaven, someone with a heart of gold. I have now, just now come to knowledge of god. I do not have the time, nor the strength to find out more about him, read the books, listen to lectures, etc. Will I not go to heaven?.'

It would sound unfair if we'd be on any side of the argument, now wouldn't it. The best way, to deal, is to leave the decision to Him. Because the creator knows of what we would never know. The intention.
A person unaware, ignorant, has not sinned, however a person knowingly ignoring has. Now when I say knowingly ignored, I mean to chose what one wants over what one should, in terms of learning or practicing or both.

The tiny fictional story I typed on top, is sometimes used by people, to get their way. Let me explain; Some argue, will that person on her death bed not go to heaven?...she doesn't know God, or what He preached, but did more or less the same. They use this, to make right their way of life, which according to them, is filled with holiness, but not quite the kind the holy book wants. So their argument is, if she hasn't acknowledged god, and is still not going to hell, then why would I?. What they miss out on, is that she wasn't aware. You were. She got to her state without knowledge you did out of choice. To not chose god, and to not know go are 2 very different things.

These people, may try to justify their lives as heaven worthy through these arguments. But their attitude has an effect on the general public. The people too start to think the same way. Not analysing the logic, just following in the foot steps of another person. Now this may not sound so significant, but it is, if that person is a celebrity, political leader, or the like. Because they play a role, and their views influence the people. This will get into a whole different topic. However, the aim is to bring the potential effect of this ideology into perspective.

A similar ideology, is that I'm doing my best. I'm doing everything. The acceptance of ones actions of the day being of utmost perfection, leads one to believe they have the margin to do sins. When one starts to believe, that they're fulfilling all their religious responsibilities, and they have nothing more to attain, they can indulge in a bit of other things. This may sound like an excuse we try to give ourselves, but the fact of the matter is that, a religion would be baseless, if there was an end to it. If a mere human being can attain all the objectives of his/her religion, there will be no reason to stick to it. A human being is programmed to want to succeed, and move forward. Just as one would move on to wrong acts, with the excuse in discussion. So, if your religion, seems to be making you feel you've attained all that you can, then consider changing it.

Knowledge has no end, similarly nor does a true religion. A religion is bigger than the human, because it's made by god- the manufacturer of the humans. No amount of excuses, or manipulative arguments can change that. If one chooses to make their own religion, kind of like sugar, spice and everything nice, they're only fooling themselves, and are showing their lack of knowledge and understanding. Surely what sounds good on face, doesn't mean it's right.

Stand up for what's right and not what you would like to be right. Where's the fun in that?.

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