Its important to not get drawn towards the worldly life. The glitters and the fun, because it's useless. And sometimes, some really bad times you do become a patient of this epidemic. People change their beliefs chasing the glamor, some lose friends and family trying to follow the right path because of lack acceptance from the materialistic. But the fact of the matter remains that we're all answerable for our own decisions and freewill implementation.
What maybe crazy to me, maybe normal to you, what maybe the truth maybe extreme to you. The divide is necessary to appreciate the importance of the good over bad.It is essential to realise this and take the next step in the right direction. I bar anyone of respect if they do not practice what they know is the truth. I do not feel it's necessary to keep tradition alive that is harmful to the religion. I ignore those who think they know more than they do. I'm angered by those who repeat the same mistakes again and again and don't accept their fault.
Ego and age are two different issues but when combined become the most disastrous of characteristics one can posses, especially if it's being used in the negative manner.
Now while discussing worldly and avoiding the worldly you may become the worldly. Somewhere in the religion there is satisfaction which can be termed as selfish and worldly even if it is for a religious cause. It is a very delicate issues, one that may have no solution but sacrifice from the one who is struggling the most.
Life is complicated, religion uncomplicated it, non practicing theists complicate it again, and practicing try to uncomplicate it again. The cycle goes on and I don't believe a day on earth goes by without one person trying to make sense of it all.
What maybe crazy to me, maybe normal to you, what maybe the truth maybe extreme to you. The divide is necessary to appreciate the importance of the good over bad.It is essential to realise this and take the next step in the right direction. I bar anyone of respect if they do not practice what they know is the truth. I do not feel it's necessary to keep tradition alive that is harmful to the religion. I ignore those who think they know more than they do. I'm angered by those who repeat the same mistakes again and again and don't accept their fault.
Ego and age are two different issues but when combined become the most disastrous of characteristics one can posses, especially if it's being used in the negative manner.
Now while discussing worldly and avoiding the worldly you may become the worldly. Somewhere in the religion there is satisfaction which can be termed as selfish and worldly even if it is for a religious cause. It is a very delicate issues, one that may have no solution but sacrifice from the one who is struggling the most.
Life is complicated, religion uncomplicated it, non practicing theists complicate it again, and practicing try to uncomplicate it again. The cycle goes on and I don't believe a day on earth goes by without one person trying to make sense of it all.